Wadoya Wanna Bet This Is Real?
Leaked Toys R' Us Ad Seems to say its coming.
The Engadget Article
Sunday, July 29, 2007
XBOX 360 Price Drop?
Posted by
10:10 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Apple's New iMac Keyboard Leaked
It Looks Realistic, I think I believe this one.
You can check engadget's entire picture gallery of this to see more, again, i think this might be it.
Posted by
6:52 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Space Bubble is Dead
Yea, after a short lived 10 episodes, Chris Stevens is calling it quits. Where have I seen this before? Maybe he got a job at Mahalo. We never even knew you Space Bubble. But you will be missed.
Posted by
3:20 AM
Labels: mahalo, space bubble, videos
Apple Sold 270,000 iPhones
Their Stock has not recovered entirely, but my little stocks dashboard widget is green again. So don't listen to AT&T, they only counted activations, just because AT&T are fuck ups and had a bad activation system, does not mean that Apple did not sell a ton of iPhones.
Go Apple!!!!
Toyota to Test Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on Public Roads?
Oh you wanted more than that? Oh, I see how it is, OK. So these test vehicles will be modified Priuses in Japan. No, there are no plans to test any in the US. Well, none mentioned by Toyota at least. It has longer range than other hybrids too. With this system, the Plug-in Prius can travel 8 miles as an all electric vehicle. Wow . . . .that is good? I guess it beats the 1.9 miles you can go with the current model. But you hear about all electric plug in cars that have a range of about 100 miles, and this is a hybrid yes, but I would hope for at least a battery capable of 25 miles. You can check out the edmunds.com article for yourself, but I am waiting for the next Gen Prius, I want one really bad.
Posted by
12:11 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I Added A Digg Button
I Had originally added a digg button that linked back to my blog but if people went to look at the post they will only see the blog and that particular post may be months back hidden away in the archive. So after testing and playing around with it for a while I realized that that would not work. But thats all fixed now and there is a digg button specific to each post in each post. I Dugg my Joost article for the fun of testing it, it was fun.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Labels: digg
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Own Version of Out Of The Box
Posted by
6:07 PM
Labels: camcorders, panasonic, videos
Sunday, July 22, 2007
My Thoughts On Joost, And Internet Television
Joost, is from the makers of Skype and Kazaa. Now we all know how popular those are today. Skype was awesome, wow, voice calls over the internet. Everybody thought this was cool, but how come nobody uses it today? People do voice chat however, just not with Skype. I have used voice chat in instant messengers. Kazaa is a file sharing program. I used Kazaa for about 5 minutes two years ago when I got my Creative Zen Plus. I had more ad-ware than I knew what to do with, and the music searching feature did not even work. I use LimeWire Pro (which I got free by downloading it in LimeWire basic) and iTunes which I use to download all of my songs when I have an iTunes gift card with anything on it. Both of these desktop programs have paved the way to better alternatives. Will Joost survive. Hard to say for sure, but I would say probably not. People do not want to watch TV in web quality video for hours on end in front of their computer. I am not against web video by any means however. I personally would love to buy an Apple TV to watch DL.TV, Cranky Geeks, CNET TV, Edmunds Inside Line Automotive Videos, and more. The thing about video on the web is that there is far more variety, and potential for film makers to get noticed, but also to find quality video that interests you. I remember a show on FOX networks that got canceled after about two episodes. I believe it was DRIVE, and I found it interesting, and exciting, and I enjoyed it. But the masses were not watching, so FOX canceled it. Should I have to give up watching a show I enjoy because other people do not find it interesting? I think that the major broadcasting networks should have hundreds of shows, some on network TV, and MANY more on the Internet. The shows that are not broad casted should be on the Internet for people that ARE interested to watch. I think that Apple had this in mind with the Apple TV, and I think Joost is going to start this transition. We cannot watch the videos that interest us sitting at our computers though, that is taking a step backwards. What we have to do is bring the Internet into the family room. I watched an entire series of British television on Joost, the show was called Fifth Gear. I found this far more interesting that anything I can get from Comcast or Dish Network. But I shouldn't have to watch sitting in front of my computer. I believe that Joost is the start of a revolution, I don't think that it is the answer, but it certainly has the right idea.
iPhone Not Responsible For Duke University Wireless Outage
As reported by CNET's news.com, Tracy Futhey, A Duke spokesman says "The reality is that a particular set of conditions made the Duke wireless network experience some minor and temporary disruptions in service. Those conditions involve our deployment of a very large Cisco-based wireless network that supports multiple network protocols.". Cisco says that they worked closely with Duke, and Apple to resolve this issue. Cisco would not saw exactly what fix was applied, but the problem has not occurred since. Apple declined to comment on the issue.
HA! Duke university trying to bring down the iPhone. NOT Possible!!!!
Posted by
3:41 PM
Labels: Apple, Cisco, cnet, duke university, iphone, wireless
6th Generation iPod Interface
Again, I am trying to figure out why it stops at all of my transitions, but you will have to move the playhead a little to make the video continue. Sorry. . .Im working on it.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
50th Post
For my 50th Post, I have added a few widgets to the side column. I had plans for a new layout as well, but that fell through due to technical difficulties. I added a widget displaying my Google Reader Shared Items, A Twitter Badge designed for Blogger. I also added a Lijit.com search engine, and a Last.fm badge showing my most listened to tracks in a given week. Some behind the scenes additions to the blog are a feedburner feed, so I have the ability to track how many people are subscribing to my blog, and Google Analytics. I would like to thank lemonlovr for the tips on tracking subscribers and page views.
Posted by
3:25 PM
Labels: feedburner, widgets
I signed up for feedburner, so from now and onward, all subscriptions to my blog will be the feedburner feed, however, if there actually are any of you that have subscribed to my blog, and have the old feed link, you may scroll to the bottom of this page and click subscribe and re-subscribe, it will take you to the feedburner feed.
Alternatively, you can just copy and paste into your RSS Reader:
You dont have to obviously, but I would prefer to have my stats accurate.
Thank You,
Posted by
4:25 AM
Labels: feedburner, feeds
Friday, July 20, 2007
Good Bye Veronica
I Will Miss You Veronica!
Hey Guys . . . Let me know if it cuts off at the end without some added in text. If it does, A, you can drag the bar through to see my message, but let me know. Feel free to let me in on any suggestions to why this could be happening as well. Thanks
Posted by
10:31 PM
Labels: veronica belmont, videos
Awwww . . .Tear
Ryan Block picked up Veronica Belmont from the San Francisco CNET office in a bright yellow Ford Mustang. This is a sad day.
(Not Actual Photo, Remember when I said San Francisco, well they don't have snow)
Alternatively, You may click here to view the mustang in a new window.
Posted by
8:23 PM
Labels: cars, cnet, ryan block, veronica belmont
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tom Merritt On Google Street VIew
Posted by
2:04 AM
Labels: google street view, tom merritt
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I Was Right and Wrong
The Apple Store was down today, which proves the Macalope and I had a guess that wasn't 100% wrong. Our guess was that there would be something new today. However, after it opened back up, there were no immediate changes in anything, so I started searching specs of all of their products, and my search turned up nothing. There still could be something new, but it appears this update was very small. Was it worth closing the entire store for something that small. You'd think that you could make changes without bringing the whole system off line. Or do they just want the free advertising acquired by putting the site off line. Oh Apple, your such a tease.
Posted by
2:55 PM
New iMacs Tomorrow?
According to the Macalope, Apple representatives have requested that all Apple retail stores have their inventory reports up to date by tonight. This Could mean new hardware tomorrow. I would prefer we got new touch screen iPods with safari and everything the iPhone has except the phone, just because I am going to spend a ton of money on a camcorder soon, and if a new iPod came out I might rethink that decision. But more likely, but still not likely, would be a new iMac. I have a feeling that the next iMac will be something special. I am guessing that silver, aluminum, what ever you call it that the Mac Pro and the MacBook Pro are made out of is going to be the new face of Apple. The iPhone takes it on a little bit too. Speaking of the iPhone, do you think there is going to be multi-touch to use spaces on the new iMacs? That would be pretty awesome. To be able to flip through open windows, or to use expose with finger gestures. Like I said, I think this is going to be something special, but I doubt it is coming out tomorrow. There might be something tomorrow, but nothing too big. A 3G iPhone firmware upgrade would be nice. By the way, today I was approached by someone asking me if I thought the Apple TV was worth buying. I told them that I did not think so. There is no HD content available on the iTunes store worth watching (is there any at all?), and there are cheaper ways of doing the same thing. My final word of advice was that if money is no issue, then yes, Apple TV is probably the best you can get for Mac (or a yicky PC) integration with your TV, but there is no way in hell I am going to pay $400 ($300 for a 40 GB version, but why not pay the extra hundred for a 160GB drive?) to get a movie, some pictures, or my music from the computer in the next room to my TV. So I am curious what Apple's next move is, cut the Apple TV and call it a failure, or pull a classic Apple move and add all this amazing content designed for it in the iTunes store. Anyway, I have some stuff to do, just thought I would let some of my theories into the wild.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Going to Chicago Tomorrow
Yes, I will be going downtown tomorrow. We are going to take the train
because driving is a hassle. I plan to see the Apple Store, my brother
wants to stand in the NBC5 window in hopes of being on TV, and we are
just going to hang out. We will probably be doing some boat rides, and
might have lunch somewhere too. I will take some pics hopefully. I don't
have my cam yet, so no video can be taken. But I hope to have it by my
Colorado trip. I am hoping to be able to bring it down the alpine slide. However, it does not look like I will be
able to. I will for sure get some footage though. To jump to another
topic, I twittered a few days ago in response to Molly Wood.
Today, she twittered in response to me, which is totally cool because
she is semi-famous.
So that was pretty cool.
Posted by
8:46 PM
My Latest Video
Its All In Good Fun, Don't Have A Cow
Posted by
8:20 PM
Labels: videos
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Damn Road Construction
Today the road to school was blocked off, so I had to walk about a block
or two in length to get to school. Now I have nothing against walking,
in fact I think life would be more awesome if there were a hell of a lot
more walking. However, I do not think that this situation was handles
properly. The cab driver told me to just walk because he had another
pick up. I knew this was breaking the rule and he could loose his job,
however, I did not feel like arguing with a man who barely knows English
to get him to find another way around to a school that is about 60
seconds away walking. So I got out. But he was reported, and he drove me
home, but seemed pretty pissed. It is the road construction in north
aurora that causes all of these problems. Many of the other buses,
students, and staff just drove through the field to get in. If I were
driving that would have been the route I'd take. But whatever. Again, I
am pro-walking to get places. I however know the importance of time, and
the fun of driving fast. With these variables in mind, walking is
usually not an option. More so in a city however. Ahh well . . . . In
other news, my fingers seem to be typing poorly/slowly for some reason
lately. This is bad. Hopefully they just need a good night's sleep.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Veronica is Leaving CNET
Yes, it has been confirmed on her blog, Veronica Belmont is leaving
CNET, this is depressing, she makes Buzz Out Loud rock. I hope that they
have Rafe on or something. I will miss her. This will be good for her I
guess, and she seems enthusiastic about the idea. Am I happy for her? I
am happy for her, but I dont know that BOL will be as good anymore. She
will be doing a daily show for Mahalo, so we will not be veronica
deprived at least.
Posted by
9:47 PM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
A Word of Advice to Chili's Resturant
Dear Chili's Restaurant,
I have been to your fine establishment many times, and enjoyed my experience during all of them. However, today, I was a little busy and did not have time to go eat at your establishment, so I decided to use your Car Side To Go service. I am glad to know that you offer this service, but I was not impressed with it. There was no car side in this Car Side To Go service, you have to walk in and wait in a line to get your food yourself. You do however get a reserved parking spot if you are picking up food. But if you are in line for more than ten minutes paying customer or not, they will crush your car and melt it.
Wow, that was my reaction, why not just scare the customers off?
I took out my phone and snapped a pic because I was so amazed at how blatantly ignorant this company was. When I got home, i found some fries that were cold and looked s though they had been made for hours, and a turkey sandwich that was nothing special. Having the food made before the customers order is what Burger King, and McDonalds are supposed to do, not Chili's. If I wanted a crappy turkey sandwich and cold fries, could have driven half as far and paid half as mush and gone to McDonalds. I am unimpressed with this service, and would not recommend it.
Posted by
7:40 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
A 3G iPhone just a firmware update away?
I saw these pictures of a sim card removed from iPhone, and it clearly shows the AT&T 3G logo.
Just a theory.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: iphone